Monday, August 2, 2010

dont act like a,,,,,,

ak an bknnye tmpat mengisi masa lapang korg k,
bkn time ko bosan baru cari aku,,
bosan baru nk text aku ea,,
igt ak nk pe? badut sarkas pe?
so klu agak2 nk buat mcm g2 kt aku,
baek x pyh lepak ngn aku or kontek ngn aku
sbb ak akan syg org lebih dari segala2nya
owhhh,, tlong k,,
ak benci,,
ak x suke,,
lagi satu,,
pada aku kan,,
bile ak kne taik skali,,
taik 2 akan busuk selama2nya,,
so jgn buat taik ngn aku k,
dan pe yg aku nk luahkan ialah,,
aku kalau syg org aku
akan syg org btul2,
so plzz,,
dont make me hurt again,

You are home,
but you are not alone
can you hear that?
my whisper to you

i've been sending you signals all year
i've been watching you all the night
is it enough? it's not enough to introduce myself
is it enough? it's not enough to meet you again

why are you running away when you see me?
why are you hiding when i come?
please just come here and kiss me again
please just come here and hug me again

you said that i'm the one (but you are leaving)
why don't stay? i just want tell something to you

*I love you more than anyone else
don't act like i'm a stranger in your mind
i'm not the one that you want
that's make a space between us
you act like i'm a stranger in your mind..

dont act like you dont hear me
dont act like you dont see me

let me stay tonight
there will be more than just a fireworks!
let me stay tonight
there will be more than just a fireworks!

*I love you more than anyone else
don't act like i'm a stranger in your mind
i'm not the one that you want
that's make a space between us
you act like i'm a stranger in your mind..

band=for revenge
song=nala and ufo

1 comment:

  1. wey2 ko snaseb wey ngn aku! huuuuuu tyme ssh je br cr!!!
